The Piave river has always been a source of life and sustenance for the territory that crosses; its route runs from the South Carnic Alps, crossing the Veneto in the provinces of Treviso and Venice. It has several tributaries along the main river forming a real natural water network that has always made the area very fertile and suitable to cultures of all kinds. It should be emphasized that in the premedieval period the basin of the river was much more large than in the modern era; becoming smaller over the years has left behind several areas which were and are of great importance for the cultivation of the vine. This is evidenced by the fact that most of the areas near the Piave areas are D.O.C. (Denominazione Origine Controllata, Controlled Origin Classification) or I.G.P. (Indicazione origine protetta, Protected Geographical Indication).


The Piave river
A shot of the area near the river´s basin
The country
On the right side of the photo you can see the country near the basin


The Social Winery Tezze di Piave is located approximately 3 km north of the river itself, in a flat and lush area where the cultivation of grapewine has been fundamental in the livelihood of the area for several centuries. The wine tradition is in fact inextricably linked to the territory since the days of the Venetian Republic, and this led to the evolution during the centuries of various cultivation methods (such as the famous Bellussera), with the selection of various types of grapewines, creating new types of wines which are nowadays recognised as a piece of history for the territory. A concrete example is the Malanotte DOCG brand used by Social Winery Tezze di Piave since 1992 and gave to the Consortium Wines of the Piave DOC, to finally get the D.O.C.G. Classification in 2011.



Among the many branches of the river we find the Piavesella Nervesa, small stream of water that is formed as a branch of the Piave River and was built as a canal in 1400 to facilitate the irrigation in the area and was later used for the transport of timber. This channel flanks Borgo Malanotte and has been essential for the healthy development of the village in the following centuries.